I actually use icons not just for making things pretty (though that’s nice) but for helping me visually get to folders I use a lot… they help me organize things on my computer, and I have a *lot* of things on my computer. So this little dealie is nice to have around… it lets me copy, paste, clear, and even view up-close, any and all icons used on my Mac with a quick right-click: FinderIconCM 1.1 – MacUpdate
Sometimes it’s fun just to see who on the net bothers to post lines from one of your favorite Tom Waits songs: Google Search: she pulls a razor from her boot and a thousand pigeons fall around her feet
Not the kind you use on sandwiches. But the electronic kind. I’m soooooo happy to see this law. I’m sure it’s got all kinds of loopholes and problems, but my inbox rejoices:
Yahoo! News – Spam Sent by Fraud Is Made a Felony Under Virginia Law
I haven’t sent out any work in years. Even though during grad school I managed to publish in a number of decent journals, I grew weary of the process, and too anxious about writing to write.
I ended up with a backlog of work that I’d never sent anywhere, and here I am six years later, finally trying out a few submissions.
I ran across this very cool online journal, with a fabulous name, and an unexpectedly elegant layout and look. It’s an online journal of dark-fabulist work, both poetry and fiction, called The Harrow. I sent them a little imagistic thing I wrote long ago, but that I’ve often though of when it rains, or when I have to kill more of the freaking little black ants that infest our house and yard. Anyway, it’s not really about those things. It’s short, and kinda haiku-ish, kinda macabre: Four Pauses.
I never post anything about poetry, even though it was at one time my career, of a sort. So, since April is “National Poetry Month” (which is funny as hell, since TS Eliot dissed it so bad by calling it the ‘cruellest’), I figure I’ll reiterate the loveliness of Poetry Daily, a new poem every day. There’s some powerful stuff there. I don’t get to it as often as I should, but whenever I do I feel like I’ve had a good meal. Tasty, every calorie a good one.
I’ve been using OmniGraffle off and on for various IA work. But it hasn’t been robust enough just yet for me to depend on it all the time. However, a new version is out that looks to have overcome many if not all of the current version’s shortcomings. Check out OmniGraffle 3 Pro.
It’s always fun to get a little perspective on whatever the holiday du jour might be. Of course, today is Good Friday, but it’s all leading up to that weird day when rabbits lay eggs and Episcopalians can finally say Alleluia in church again. So here’s some fun facts on The Pagan origins of Easter . I’m gonna go dye some Grade A Large White.
Edited to Add on 7/19/05: Evidently the etymology of “Easter” is more complicated than what I assumed (see Wikipedia on Easter)
Ok…. no, the title to this post has nothing to do with “the war”… it’s about a site I just tripped over while peeking my head out from under my rock long enough to see what the rest of the ‘net is up to. The site is “Television Without Pity” which I discovered by first finding a link to this hilarious commentary on vintage 70s cuisine which was put together by a very bright blogger and writer I then found at Poundy. Who apparently writes on occasion for TWP, which also has a really fab commentary running on just about every TV show of any import, one of which is perhaps my fave current show Six Feet Under, currently chronicled at Television Without Pity Six Feet Under. So there.
At the IA Summit last weekend, I was part of a panel on tools for IA. Here’s the presentation bits in a ppt deck, handsomely hosted by Nick Fink under his domain-moniker: IA Summit 2003: IA Tools and Technology.
Apparently the French are good for something besides cheese and toast. Some Gallic dudez have made this nifty VLC media player that plays a ton of the formats we normally can’t on our otherwise superior OS. (And, they’re generous enough to make versions for pretty much every other OS under the sun.)
(The French comment is a joke meant in their favor, btw… sarcasm… oh, wait, sarcasm….another thing French are good at.)
I want to say more about Stewart Brand’s keynote at the IA Summit in Portland, but for now here’s a bit of his wisdom, a 2-minute talk he gave on the Lean Years, at the 2002 Webby Awards. For those of you who don’t have 2 minutes, here’s the last bit: “Lean years are not just punctuation between periods of fat years. They are the discipline years when civilization consolidates its gains and invents its way out of trouble. In the long now, THESE are the good years. Don’t waste them.”