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disinformation | david cronenberg

Best collection of Cronenberg links I've seen. I'm still itching for a DVD of Naked Lunch. Alas, none exists (except for some awful German rip).

Sonystyle_PEG-T665C Color CLIÉ Handheld with MP3 Player - Silver

Further proof that Sony is the Anti-Christ. Arrrrgh! Evil dost tempt me!!!!

LEGODEATH: A Museum of Horrors

Why did nobody tell me about this? My favorites have to be Jesus and Elvis. Well, the human cannonball is pretty good too.

PriceWaterhouse Coopers is changing their web division name to Monday. Ok, first of all, that's dumb. But second of all, they bought the domain introducingmonday.com. Too bad they didn't register introducingmonday.co.uk. Man, those Brits are weird. La, la, la indeed. [Link courtesy dynagirl]

Supreme Court Rules That Executing Mentally Retarded is Unconstitutional

There's something morbidly ironic about the fact that something like this would even have to make it all the way to the Supreme Court. (i.e. how mentally challenged does somebody have to be to think it's a good idea to execute someone who is mentally retarded? I mean, am I missing something here?)

I've been nonexistent on this thing for days and days. But I do have a life, after all. I saw two movies this weekend. The Bourne Identity was really good. I was surprised at how terrific it was. Who would've thought that the guy who made Swingers could pull that off?
On the other hand, Windtalkers was a bag of foul gases. Only impressive thing about it was how many war cliches they could pack into only 2 hours of film. Stay far far away from it.

Ask Jeeves - Ask.com

Should Google sue??

TechTV | The Voyage of Animation

A story & links about Ray Harryhausen, king of stop-motion animation.

Advice To Young Poets // quotations // collected by Mark Worden

Some very fine bits of wisdom here. Espeically liking Dickey's "Poetry is a hazardous occupation, very hazardous. There may be bad things in there inside you that maybe you can't handle."

Apple - Switch - Real Stories

Apple's new strategy is to let people tell their own stories about why they switched to a Mac. This one is about a Windows LAN System Administrator. I like the concept, but I'm not sure the stylized 'interrotron' interview with white background is the most natural, convincing way to get the point across. Still, using real stories to sell a product is pretty powerful, if it's believable.


I just commented on a post on ia-slash and got really pleased with myself for coming up with this clever little bit of language. Let it be known that I officially coin the term "gurule." Email me for the address to which you should send your royalty checks.

Saw that new Star Wars movie a couple of weekends ago, and it gave me icky feelings when I thought of all those clones who were somewhat 'less' than fully human. If you think cloning is too creepy or complicated, you can visit a site at which you can create your own Lego alter-ego. Would that be a L(ego)?

The IBM glass engine

Roam the works of Philip Glass by adjusting slider controls for more or less Joy, Sorrow, Intensity, Density and Velocity.

Salon.com Life | Here come the buns

Another item to add to the list of reasons why I'm scared to death that I have a daughter.

It's a 'WIN' from birth - lancastereaglegazette.com

Somebody in Ohio names their kid Winston IROC Nascar Yerian. I'm actually a little miffed that a yankee beat us to this.

MegaWiki Manual

Do you love Wiki? Do you love Palms? Then you need MegaWiki! Actually, not exactly a Wiki per-se, but a wiki-like hack that allows you to link whatever to whatever anywhere in your Palm. Truly a poweruser tool, but incredible what you can do with it. I haven't dared try it yet, because I know I'll get sucked in and not get anything else done for hours. So, let me know if it works.

www.czech-ware.net - aliance českých programátorů

Somebody in Czech republic is also using the term "drewspace" ... call my lawyers!!

Thomas Pynchon (1937-)

Just about the best Pynchon page on the web, and check that URL! What is it about Nagasaki that gets people to putting up such a thorough American Lit database?

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