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::monday, march 25:: Czeslaw Milosz - A Poem for the End of the Century I was pissed about some stuff today. But then I read this poem again, and got some freakin perspective. ::friday, march 22:: I love rabbits. I really do. But I had to post this. I don't think they're stupid, it's just the name of this page. It's the weirdest thing, seeing bunnies with odd mutations or little wheelchairs. I'm not sure if I should feel sad or surreal. (link from rebecca blood)
The New Yorker -- Article on Henry Hook Hook has come to be known as the Marquis de Sade of the puzzle world: a brilliant and oddly beloved misanthrope, administering exquisite torture through dozens of puzzle books and syndicated crosswords...
Weekly Review - Mar 19, 2002: Harper's Magazine Eighty clowns turned out for the Million Clown March in Santa Cruz, California. After picketing aimlessly for a while, the group piled into three tiny cars and drove off. "For those brave enough to be out as clowns," noted the organizer, "the world can be a cold and unwelcome place." ::tuesday, march 19:: I had the pleasure of meeting Matt Jones at the IA Summit this weekend, but didn't realize he was "blackbeltjones" until sometime around Sunday. I'm such an absent minded dolt at times. Anyway, be sure to take a trip over to his place now and then. Delightful & brilliant guy. ::wednesday, march 13:: Boxes and Arrows: Because we can Christina & Co. have launched the new IA mag, "Boxes and Arrows." Already tons of articles. Sad thing is, I may never get around to reading many of them...unless of course they get an AvantGo channel. ::tuesday, march 12:: Mozilla gets even better at killing popover/unders. "...Mozilla has a new method for disabling popup and popunder windows. It is now possible to disable the JavaScript window.open() method when it is not called as a result of a mouse click. When the dom.disable_open_click_delay pref is set to a nonzero number, window.open will fail when called more than that number of milliseconds after a mouse click..." ::monday, march 11:: Well, I wondered when the next device to make me drool would get released and make me want to eBay my Clie N760c. This new one, only in Japan (for now?) features a flipdown keyboard, embedded camera, and audio player. ::friday, march 8:: Why we sell advertising, not search results. Google steps up to the plate and explains why it's not selling its soul. Anybody who needs an explanation probably won't get it, but I'm glad they're making the point. ::thursday, march 7::
Mondrian Google Logo Today
Talking Animals re-released on Evangeline I kind of like that title, now that I look at it. Anyway, one of my favorite albums that I never got around to buying until it was too late is this gem from T-Bone, who has gotten new-found fame as the mastermind behind the terrific O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack. I just grabbed this off somebody on Amazon, a re-release of the album he made in 1987. Some of it is admittedly an acquired taste, but it's all brilliant. Just arrived today. Listening to it at this moment. Mmmmmm.
"We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture." "Sandia National Laboratories charged a panel of outside experts with the task to design a 10,000-year marking system for the WIPP (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant) site, and estimate the efficacy of the system against various types of intrusion. The goal of the marking system is to deter inadvertent human interference with the site." ::monday, march 4:: T-Shirt Hell "Where all the bad shirts go!" Bad indeed. Some are bad, others are baaaaad. ::saturday, march 2:: Somebody went and quoted me on a T-Shirt! I'm gonna be famous! Oh, wait...they didn't credit me. Oh well. Actually, no sweat. Brenda from the sig-ia list set this up at cafepress with the phrase I'd suggested as a more apt description of the information-architect personality profile. They've already started to sell!!
Hmm. I'm not sure I have the courage to even go in... Lynch is one of the few creative people in the movies who can still creep me out with their visions. And that's in a room full of people. Don't know if I can handle sitting alone in the dark with this. Ummmmm...let's see how much it costs.... ::friday, march 1:: Wireless & Text-Only News & Content -- Mazingo List Mazingo's list of wap/wireless/Palm-friendly sites. Now that AvantGo is being more stringent about what sites can use their service, this might be a better way to get to that content. |