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King Kong - The Eighth Wonder of the World!

King Kong is my favorite movie monster. And I love almost all the classic movie monsters, so that's saying a lot for me. But I hadn't looked for much online until I stumbled on this site, which is a very thorough paean to the beast and his various cultural incarnations. The 70's version was cool too, I personally thought...even in all its campy splendor. And the sight of the postmodern Kong astride the twin towers causes goosebumps.

Iconic Communication

Pretty much everything you could imagine knowing about iconographic instruction, communication and design. Maybe it isn't everything, but it was more than I'll probably ever have time to read. Deep stuff, some of it pretty academic.

President Lincoln Sick Of Time Travelers

My favorite headline from last (this?) week's Onion. Sometimes their best stuff is hidden down toward the bottom where you almost miss it. I like that. I bet you do too. Don't really care what Lincoln thinks though.

Infomercial AIM Buddy Icons

Be Juice Man or even that annoying question-mark-suit wearing guy.

This American Life | Chris Ware

TAL does us the favor of publishing an old Chris Ware comic. In fact, the whole episode of TAL this week was quite wonderful, especially if you harbor nostalgic childhood yearnings of super powers.

Gone and Forgotten

Heard about this site on This American Life tonight. All about failed superheroes.

Mac OS X Hints - Performance tuning for G3 Macs

My G3 PowerBook is feeling pokey, so this article will hopefully steer me in the direction of more speed. We'll see.

Filmed Execution of WSJ Reporter Sets Off Revulsion

I know evil crap like this is never going to stop in the world, but for some reason I keep hoping. I can't get the vision of what this guy went through out of my head.


I guess Go2Mac.com died? Anyway, Jason O'Grady moved his infamous "O'Grady's Power Page" to new digs at powerpage.org.

Waylon left us Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2002

"It's the world's gone crazy cotillion
The ladies are dancin' alone
The side men all want to be front men
And the front men all want to go home..."
--Waylon Jennings & Shel Silverstein

I Heart New York: X Icons

Having very little to do with New York, here's some coolio icons for X, including Radiohead stuff and animated icons for AIM-clone Adium .

I am like 37% Owl, or something like that.

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

eBay Nederland: MAX: A giant fossil from Dutch origin

For Valentine's day, buy her a Mammoth skeleton!!

Bat Boy The Musical

This is the art form at its apogee, wouldn't you agree?

Pixelpalooza 2002!!

My buddies over at Icon Factory have cranked up the latest Pixelpalooza. You can win an iPod with a set of icons. I may just try to enter something this year...not that I have the faintest idea how to design decent icons.

CNN.com - Yusuf Islam (fka Cat Stevens) calls for journalist's release - February 3, 2002

...As a message to those who are holding the journalist Daniel Pearl, I ask that the Mercy of Islam be shown. If justice is your goal, then the cause of justice will not be served by killing an innocent man who has nothing but a pen in his hand...

I Am Sam : Soundtrack & IA-related Rant (on labels & attribution in the digital age)

Lots of cool artists, some well known and some not-so-well, cover Beatles tunes for this soundtrack, which might just be worth buying.[BEGIN IA RANT]Interesting in this CDNow listing, Lennon gets first credit on every song, when many are written by McCartney mainly or entirely with no help from Lennon. Some written by Lennon alone too. But anything on a Beatles album is automatically "Lennon/McCartney"... I heard an interview with Paul recently on NPR where he says he just wants to be listed first on the ones that John didn't write. Seems humble and reasonable to me. And he brought up a point that is proven by this listing on CDNow...that in the information age, the last batch of characters is often trimmed off a label, so that whatever is first becomes the true "information" of the label. Eventually, it's reinforced that Lennon wrote all these songs... with some Mc-somebody in there perhaps. [END IA RANT]

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