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Redesign on a Shoestring

Zeldman explains why CMS and other snake-oil isn't always the best option.

Thank You

A friendly response from David Lynch when you fill in his little opt-in form. I wonder what Jakob N would have to say about this particular example of user feedback?

News: Google votes to put surfers in charge

"Google is engaged in a controversial experiment aimed at giving its users a say in ranking the sites--a move that could help the company cement its lead in the competitive Web-search market, or could potentially weaken its position."

On snot and fonts

Probably the best compiled page of links to various font foundries and designers ever. By some college student...which is the way it ought to be.

Clie Gamepad

Just got a Clie and found out about this cool gamepad... so, I could spend another $30 to turn a $500 device into a $70 Gameboy.

Salon.com Arts & Entertainment | The stuff movies are made of

Richard Linklater interview, discusses his new "Waking Life" and some stuff about Philip K Dick.

IAwiki: AndrewHinton

Updated my wiki homepage. Man, this wiki stuff is getting addictive.

Pen Computing Magazine: News: Comdex: Hawkins Keynote 2001

Who would have thought that a design genius could be a marketing genius too?

"And the Palm V was all about style and elegance." When the product marketing department came to ask for new features to be added to the Palm V, Hawkins said no. "I said, there are no new features going to go into this product." Even though he thought they were good ideas, he had a reason. "I figured if we added new features, then the reviewers would come out and say, 'Palm has three new features, Microsoft has 30 new features, Palm loses.' But if I had no new features, they couldn't do the features comparison chart! So all they could talk about was how thin and beautiful it was, and that was a very successful strategy."


You don't have to actually go to any of those industry conferences. You can just catch up on what all the fuss was about in digested form here at Conferenza. They even provide a newsletter and a Palm PQA.

"Hitchhiker's Guide" catches final ride

An unfinished novel by science fiction writer Douglas Adams will be published next year and released on the anniversary of his death, according to published reports.

Salon.com People | Appreciation: Ken Kesey

Decent riff on Kesey's life and work. Leans toward overworship, but not inappropriate.

The Cathedral and the Bazaar

I've been catching up with what ESR has been putting together. I read bits and pieces of this years ago, but with some experience it all has a different ring to it now.

JOHO the Blog :: Weinberger finally becomes assimilated.

In addition, check the site's bumpersticker graphic:

A David Pogue icon!

This might be too small and obscure a link even for me. But I do dig his books.

Rhizome.org: Remix--Spiral, by Martin Wattenberg

Spiral is a new interface artwork for viewing and browsing Rhizome.org's library of over 1,700 indexed and edited texts. All of the articles in the library were submitted by members of the Rhizome.org community.

JOHO - November 12, 2001

A quick check today shows that "have" beats out "want," 224M to 45M. (At AltaVista, where they haven't yet figured out how to put commas into strings of numbers, "have" scored 316,655,230 and "want" scored 5,276,890)

breveWalker & breveSwarm screensavers

Almost-living critters modeled in screensaver mode for Mac OS X.

CNN.com - 'Cuckoo's Nest' author Kesey dead at 66 - November 11, 2001

Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, others, all passed away in the last few years. Now Ken. Had no idea he was even sick.

The Hinton Bird Disaster

Amazing what you find when you search the google image engine for your last name.

Make any webpage into a Palm doc file for free

Now and then I've used this handy little service. I don't know what I'll do without it if they ever have to shut it down. For fun, here's a link [Click Here] that'll create a "prc" file (a palm "doc" format file) of this here weblog page, that you can install on a Palm and read with any "doc" reader.

Art Spiegelman discusses his Sept 11 New Yorker cover

One of the most affecting, touching pieces of cover art ever. Here's Spiegelman talking about his experience of the tragedy, and how it affected his design.

Comdex without laptops? - CNET.com

In the midst of post-September paranoia (much of it justified, of course), Comdex is now not allowing laptops. But isn't that a bit like Disney World without mouse ears?

Harry blown away by Star Trek The Motion Picture director's cut on DVD

I have similar memories and subsequent disappointments with this movie, and Harry has me convinced I have to go rent or buy it on DVD. Sounds like this one is done up right.

From Merwin's "Berryman"

...I asked how can you ever be sure
that what you write is really
any good at all and he said you can't

you can't you can never be sure
you die without knowing
whether anything you wrote was any good
if you have to be sure don't write...

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