June 2004

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LiveJournal is an amazing, genre-bending web entity. There are imitators (mostly using LJ’s code) and admittedly there are some clunky things about LJ’s execution, but I really would like to dig in and write about just what in terms of architecture makes LJ work and be such a magnet for its users. One small change or different decision in how journals are linked, browsed, or whatever, could completely change the way it all works, and then change how the individuals relate entirely.

I’m still mulling.

But this is a cool link to a mind-map (that works kind of like the infamous “brain” interface) with spatial proximity, size and color being used to map prominence and/or relevance of certain ‘friend’ names on the site. In fact it’s part of a community on LJ called “weblog sociology” which I may have to keep up with more closely. This post in particular and the resulting comments bring up points that I think are central to IA in general. To me, the ‘net isn’t about information, but about connecting people to people (often via their information and knowledge)… but this is another topic upon which I must further mull.

In the meantime:

weblogsociology: MindMap = Friendship Patterns

How is it that I’ve gotten so out of the loop that I missed this book? I ran across a link to it in Peter Morville’s excellent article (itself worthy of a few thorough readings) and was glad to see somebody else putting into much better and more complete expression something I’ve been inarticulately grunting for a long time: that things like ‘artificial intelligence’ or even complex human systems — you know, like, corporations — are going to have to somehow embrace biological structures, organic methods. Whatever those are.

I only just started reading this book, but it sounds like it’s making a great case for this point of view. Looks like a really fun read too.

Kevin Kelly — Chapter 1: The Made and the Born

For the world of our own making has become so complicated that we must turn to the world of the born to understand how to manage it. That is, the more mechanical we make our fabricated environment, the more biological it will eventually have to be if it is to work at all. Our future is technological; but it will not be a world of gray steel. Rather our technological future is headed toward a neo-biological civilization.



This is Moleskinerie, a blog dedicated to the proposition that not all notebooks are created equal. Its impeccable provenance notwithstanding this site will talk more about the places and adventures, life’s little dramas and other forgettable events that otherwise would have been lost were it not scrawled between the pages of these little black books.

I’ve been utterly slack at posting here for a while. But I’m alive, really!

And, here’s a tidbit from Wired… I’m thinking my company should send people to Pixar to learn a thing or two.

Wired 12.06: Welcome to Planet Pixar

Producing a string of blockbusters may be difficult; creating an environment that produces them is harder still. “We’ve got this question that we’re constantly asking,” says Randy Nelson. “How do you make art a team sport?”