What information design is really good for

I’ve been so blogless lately. Pitiful. Was a time when I’d pop every little thing up, and now it just doesn’t occur to me as often. But it isn’t that I haven’t been running across fab stuff to pass along, or that I haven’t been thinking incredibly profound thoughts (ok, that’s a stretch), it just slipped out of my routine somehow. But I’m gonna redouble my efforts.
For example, here are a couple of things that Wurman and Tufte would be proud of: information design at its best.
1. Sexual Fetish Entity Diagram showing all the major fetishes and their relationships,
2. The Buffy Sex Chart, making visually clear who has done the nasty with whom on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I assume it doesn’t include sucking just blood…).
Now, what somebody should do is a diagram showing the relationships between these two … that would be worth printing out.
