While the rubric of “spirituality” reminds me of “lite,” non-alcoholic beer, it seems appropriate for something so global and a-historical as the Web. Weinberger, busy as usual, gets interviewed at “spirituality.com” (there’s a non-sequitur!): “The spirituality of the web’s architecture” with David Weinberger.
You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2002.
Nifty new way to move around in OS X: Spring: Home “More Human. Less Machine.The Spring Desktop is concept-centric, not file, folder, site, or brand-centric. It’s designed for the way you naturally think.”
Not much to say here other than to recommend this article from yesterday: Death as a Constant Companion.
Like everybody else, I’m grieving. Even though 9/11/2001 wasn’t at all about me, and didn’t do any harm to me personally, here I am thinking about where I was that day, what was on my mind, how my experience felt. I really hope that’s just a human response, because otherwise it would feel profoundly selfish.
The part that I have trouble shaking is the fact that I was on a plane that morning, but my plane was headed to Atlanta from Greensboro. It landed minutes before the first plane in NY hit.
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